Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today's Flowers: 02-28-10 - Daphne and friend

Today's Flowers hosts can be found here.

The daphne is in full bloom and this little guy didn't waste any time finding it. I was informed this is NOT a ladybug, but an Asian beetle - still good for eating the aphids, but threatening the true ladybug population.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend Reflections 02-26-10

Weekend Reflections hosted by James. I love catching reflections in windows, mirrors, water, raindrops, so this meme called to me.

More rain in Portland = more raindrop photos - with new green leaves now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today's Flowers - 02-21-10

Today's Flowers hosts can be found here.

Our amaryllis bloomed on Valentine's Day.

The flickers are nesting nearby

I've been stalking the flickers all day - I hear them nearby, see them in the walnut tree, too far away for a good shot. Finally, the male lands on the feeder and I have my camera in my hand!

He looks up for his mate...

...she arrives.

Oops, I've been discovered.


Shadow Shot Sunday 02-20-10

Visit other shadow shooters via Hey Harriet's site.

Glorious sunshine through the kitchen windows today.

About the photos

Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog were taken by me. If you want to use any of the images, please contact me first. Thanks!

My Blipfoto Journals


About Me

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I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!