Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekend Reflections: Living Vessel

James hosts Weekend Reflections, a weekly photo meme.

Last weekend we were at Lane Community College in Eugene (Oregon). I discovered a lot of amazing public art there. My favorite was Living Vessel by Devin Laurence Field. It's a photographer's dream come true.


Trails of Grace said...

Amazing art! Great shots! I do love the one of the random cannine walking by! Thanks for sharing.. I am hopping over from Weekend Reflections

Terri said...

That's no random canine! That's my dog Liza! Thanks for the note. It is an amazing piece of art.

Ingrid said...

Wow, all pictures have great reflections ! The first figure is rather strange !

'Tsuki said...

That is an amazing piece of art : I understand why your so fond of its creator... I specially enjoy the shot with the sunlight going through the little pieces of green glass : it just lovely !

Laura said...

fantastic reflections you've captured in this magnificent work of art!

Jientje said...

Oh my, I can really see how much fun you had!

Tiffin said...

Love the one with Liza in it. You need one of these in your garden!

About the photos

Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog were taken by me. If you want to use any of the images, please contact me first. Thanks!

My Blipfoto Journals


About Me

My photo
I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!