Saturday, May 26, 2012


The bushtit parents have been bringing lots of food (fat green worms, spiders, moths) to the nest almost non-stop for a couple of weeks. We haven't seen babies yet, they're still ensconced in the nest, but we hear them. The parents also often bring out little poop balls - the equivalent of dirty diapers, keeping the inside of the nest clean.  Babies should be fledging within a week to ten days.

Dad with dinner

Dad, again. He does bring the fattest worms!

The parents did NOT like this squirrel hanging out just feet above their nest.

Mom, with breakfast

Mom, emptying the diaper pail

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I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!