Now we start to play for real! Chris is hosting Three-Six-Five, so those of us posting a pic a day have a central place to exchange links. Like Chris, I'm gathering mine together for one weekly post rather than posting each one daily.
And away we go!
Day 8 - 01/08/10. Yes, they filled all those vials - and more - with my blood. I was running on empty for awhile.
Day 9 - 01/09/10. Laurie (well, Laurie's hands), putting the final fringe touches on a beautiful shawl she knitted for our friend Tara.
Day 10 - 01/10/10. Fog dancer.
Day 11 - 01/11/10. Kwan Yin, inside and out. Our bedroom windows look out on the courtyard, and two Kwan Yins watch over us.
Day 12 - 01/12/10. This is one of the toddler toys. I hope Laurie isn't teaching them to pick locks, or we shall have to nickname her Fagin!
Day 13 - 01/13/10. Das boot. I know, I know, that translates as The Boat - but the boot feels like a boat when I try to walk in it. This is why I won't be out and about shooting photos for awhile (nothing serious, just wound protection). I'll be staying in for several days trying to find objects of interest to photograph. Oh yes, and reading a lot.
Day 14 - 01-14-10. That's my meditation loft, waaaay up there. I have to climb a ladder to get to it. I haven't been able to do that for awhile. I wonder what's happening up there, besides those cobwebs.