Monday, November 30, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - 12-01-09

MaryT/theteach hosts this weekly event - photographs of all things red.

The Redcoats invading the neighborhood! Laurie and her mom with Liza and Heidi.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Macro Monday 11-30-09

Macro Monday - hosted by Lisa

No, not a palm tree...

...euphorbia stems - a relatively small bush that looks like a jungle here.

Mellow Yellow Monday 11-30-09


Mellow Yellow Monday links are here.

Another reason to love autumn.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Today's Flowers - 11-29-09

Today's Flowers hosts can be found here.

Black eyed Susan - still vibrant in late fall.

Monochrome Weekly 11-29-09

The Monochrome Weekly explores black and white.

Shadow Shot Sunday 11-29-09

Visit other shadow shooters via Hey Harriet's site.

On the Esplanade -- under the bridge, looking up on a concrete wall with fence shadow.

PhotoHunt - 11-28-09: Technology

This week's PhotoHunt assignment: TECHNOLOGY.

This is a low-tech door knob mechanism, but impressive in its day (ca.1900).

Camera Critters - 11-28-09

Camera CrittersThis meme is all about photos of animals/critters.
Visit the Camera Critters website for more wonderful critter photos.

Waiting for their turn at the feeder; song sparrow and junco in the kiwi bush.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Color Carnival - 11-27-09

Martha hosts this meme about color.

Behind the counter at an antiquey junk store - or a junky antique store.

Weekend Reflections 11-27-09

Weekend Reflections hosted by James. I love catching reflections in windows, mirrors, water, raindrops, so this meme called to me.

After I took the first photo of these face plates, I realized the reflection potential, so took the second a bit closer in:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Windows and Doors 11-25-09

Mary T hosts Window Views.

I've always photographed this mausoleum in the pioneer cemetery from the other side (which I now realize is probably the back side), so I didn't know about this colorful window. Since it's the Macleays' tomb, I suspect it's some sort of Scottish shield -?.

Sepia Scenes 11-25-09

Sepia Scenes is hosted by Mary T, who also hosts the fabulous Ruby Tuesday.

A little bit of everything at Hippo Hardware.

True Colors: Orange

Blue hosts True Colors Thursday. This week's color is ORANGE.

I noticed this tree cutting crew around the corner from our house - hard to miss, really, with all the chainsawing and boom-thud of the pieces landing.

They take it apart, branch by branch, chunk by chunk.

Looks like he's swinging a dance partner, no?

Lots of ropes to keep track of.

Even the chainsaw is orange.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - 11-24-09

MaryT/theteach hosts this weekly event - photographs of all things red.

Poisonous nightshade berries stand out in the jungle of poisonous euphorbia.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday 11-22-09

Visit other shadow shooters via Hey Harriet's site.

Outside a neighborhood coffeehouse. Yes, it's as cold as it looks.

Friday, November 20, 2009

PhotoHunt - Bird/s

This week's PhotoHunt assignment: BIRD(S)

Cedar waxwings are scarcely seen around here. They love the catoneaster berries, so when the berries are on, they grace us with their presence. Notice the bright yellow tail. (These were taken through a filmy window, so not the greatest representation.)

About the photos

Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog were taken by me. If you want to use any of the images, please contact me first. Thanks!

My Blipfoto Journals


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About Me

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I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!