Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 03-25-09

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Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! all these bikes together, how funny !

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

That is quite a tangle of bikes LOL hope no one got hurt! I'm guessing they'd been in the back of apick up maybe. Happy WW

BLOGitse said...

Hey, it's here - my tiny bike! :)

Robin said...

Oh my, I truly am wordless.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Wow, what happened?

Anonymous said...

It cannot get any better than this for WW, that is a mangled mess!

Jack said...

This is fantastic! really have me wondering what might have happened here to get those bikes so piled up.

Could the kids have been in a hurry and just dumped them? or perhaps someone with a mischievous mind gathered up the little bikes in the neighborhood and piled them up like that? hmmmm.

Terri said...

I think it's supposed to be art. Left me wordless too.

June said...

Looks like a big "oops" :-)

Daryl said...

I love it .. its just wonderful and truly needs no words

Jientje said...

What the hell happened here?
Too funny!
Art huh? Yes, okay then! LOL!

Serena said...

what the heck is this about? LOL

Shannon said...

THIS picture speaks much louder than WORDS!!!

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I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!