Monday, June 29, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - 06-30-09

MaryT/theteach hosts this weekly event - photographs of all things red.

Ladybug loves lavender.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Macro Monday 06-29-09

Macro Monday - hosted by Lisa

This is what happens when you leave onions in the ground and they go to seed.

Ellipsis - Monday Photo Shoot: Stars

This week Carly from Ellipsis invites us to explore STARS, anywhere we can find them.

So I went out to the garden and found this pale purple star shaped flower.

And then I dipped into my archives for last year's stargazer lily, which isn't quite blooming yet this year.


Monochrome Monday - 06-29-09

Monochrome Maniacs explore black and white.

Looking out at the 19th century from a 21st century building.

Today's Flowers - 06-28-09

Today's Flowers hosts can be found here.

I love Oriental poppies.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

PhotoHunt - Flags

This week's PhotoHunt assignment: FLAGS

The City of Portland flag. According to the City's website:
Green symbolizes Oregon’s forests, which surround Portland. The intersecting vertical and horizontal blue stripes represent the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, with the central white star (technically, a “hypocycloid”) signifying Portland at their confluence. The yellow stripes symbolize the harvest of golden yellow grain (Portland is a major exporter of wheat) and the gold of commerce. The white stripes are merely decorative. The offset cross is not intended to resemble a Scandinavian cross.

Color Carnival - 06-27-09

Martha has a new meme!

More from the midway:

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Looking at the Sky on Friday: Gazing

Photobucket hosted by Tisha

Looking at the sky through a gazing ball.

Nature Notes 06-25-09: Anticipation

Nature Notes is the brainchild of Rambling Woods who challenges us to "look at something you might never had paid attention to..a flower…a animal…What changes are taking place?..Is your garden starting to come to life again?"

There's so much happening in the gardens in June here. Berries are ripening, buds are getting ready to burst open, seed pods are forming.

I just have to wonder what's going on inside these lily buds. Looks like someone else is curious too.

Top row: Blueberries almost ready! -- Crocosmia will soon burst into colorful red and yellow -- Hydrangea buds.

Middle row: Cone flower, or echinacea, getting ready to bloom.

Bottom row: Kiwi vine -- Poppy seed pod -- Baby tomato.

Click on photos for a larger view.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sepia Scenes 06-24-09: 78s

Sepia Scenes is hosted by Mary T, who also hosts the fabulous Ruby Tuesday.

Even before the nearly extinct 33 1/3 rpm records, there were 78s. They were thick and heavy (and much more satisfying to break!) Storage was an issue.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 06-24-09: Western Tiger Swallowtail

Click to enlarge.

Check out other Wordless Wednesday participants. Or become one!


Window Views - 06-24-09: Buddhist Temple

Mary T is keeping us busy with photo memes. Here's a new one called Window Views.

These windows are in a Buddhist temple in our neighborhood. Click on photos for a larger view.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - 06-23-09: Roasted Beets!

MaryT/theteach hosts this weekly event - photographs of all things red.

Roasted fresh beets were a hit for Father's Day dinner.

Today's Flowers - 06-21-09

Today's Flowers hosts can be found here.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Monochrome Monday - 06-22-09: Fountain at The Mount

Monochrome Maniacs explore black and white.

Weekly Winners - 06-21-09

Weekly Winners is hosted by Lotus - Sarcastic Mom.

Some of my favorite photos from this week.

The crew supervises Nancy's tomato pruning.

More raindrops. When you live in Oregon, you appreciate the variety of raindrops.

L. plays peek-a-boo.

M. picking lavender blossoms.

Lavender bouquet.

Columbine hides in the lily patch.

At the carwash.

Roasted asparagus. Yum.


Macro Monday 06-22-09

Macro Monday - hosted by Lisa

Continuing with the water drop theme -- rain drop at the end of a grape leaf.

About the photos

Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog were taken by me. If you want to use any of the images, please contact me first. Thanks!

My Blipfoto Journals


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About Me

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I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!