Great shot. Love the bee! Just have a shot that close up is spectacular in the viewing. Happy RT - Have 2 Ruby Tuesday up. you can get to both from either site. will link you to one- Auntie E
I've been retired since November, 2008. I've been spending lots of time taking photos, singing, and writing. Currently working on a historical fiction novel.. I highly recommend retirement!
I can't help but gawk at this lovely shot! buzzz!
I'm eyeing the bee than the flower.....good catch!
Great shot. Love the bee! Just have a shot that close up is spectacular in the viewing. Happy RT - Have 2 Ruby Tuesday up. you can get to both from either site. will link you to one- Auntie E
AWESOME capture ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Crimson Clover is lovely! We don't have that here.
Great Macro shot. I love watching bees busy doing their thing :)
Beautiful clover and bee. I saw my first bumblebee yesterday! Hoping we'll see more this season.
Thanks for sharing.
oh my! what big eyes that bee has!
great shot
Beautiful photo for Ruby Tuesday! :)
Great macro! It ain't easy catching a bee in focus like that. (I've been trying for weeks.)Nice job!
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