Another trip to another park with another pond - and lots of ducks and geese.
Click on the photos for more detail.
And promptly retreated when they realized I was just another dang photographer with no goodies.
Duck shenanigans:
Goose shenanigans:
Visit more Camera Critter gitters.
Great action shots!
I played too :)
I love "bottoms up" and when you pulled in on the curly tail feather. Wonderful shots of the water fowl parade! :)
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~* presents - Eagles from the Florida Gulf Coast
The 'odd' one with the red face is a Muscovy duck..I am not sure about the tall goose though...
Hahaha, the one where they've just turned around and walk away from you again, really funny! Great pictures all of them!
This series is awesome!!! I love the flying ducks, and that last one with the open wings! But the first two are really very cute!
I love all the photos. The bridge walkway was amazing.
Have a great week
Missouri, Usa
Those are wonderful shots! Gorgeous!
I usually go to "shoot" ducks with my hubby. I bringt he camera, he brings the bread crumbs.
Quite the convention! I really like the shot of them all walking across the bridge. The odd duck, by the way, is a Muscovy...just in case you didn't know. They're what we have most of down here in Florida.
Great series...for just a minute, I felt like the ducks were actually diving off the bridge in that third photo. I guess I am a little tired...
I LOVE these shots. Wonderful fun!
I love these shots. Had a smile from beginning to end. Great
Beautiful shots! I love the third one!
I love them all walking towards you and then all walking away
and the one really big guy in the bunch - he just touched my heart!
Very cool, especially the action shots and all that color.
These are all so fun! How funny that we had some similar ones. :)
OMGosh what great shots of ducks. LOL at the one with its rear stuck up in the air. Some of those I have never seen before.
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